"This short film was a passion project of mine which I was excited to make. The concept continued to nag at me, so I decided it to use it as my first university produced film."
In Riley's first attempt at comedy, Forced Smile looks at the relationship between man and object. Specifically, what if the everyday common item had emotions and a personality. The idea of having the Stress Ball, which constantly smiles, yet in a form of physical pain was an excellent juxtaposition which Riley was intrigued to explore.
The film stars Riley as the Voice of the Stress ball and Will T Smith as the character of Man.
Riley had a great working environment on set of the short, with a small crew assisting and giving valuable input into the set up and design of shots, aiding Riley in fulfilling his vision for the film.
In Riley's first attempt at comedy, Forced Smile looks at the relationship between man and object. Specifically, what if the everyday common item had emotions and a personality. The idea of having the Stress Ball, which constantly smiles, yet in a form of physical pain was an excellent juxtaposition which Riley was intrigued to explore.
The film stars Riley as the Voice of the Stress ball and Will T Smith as the character of Man.
Riley had a great working environment on set of the short, with a small crew assisting and giving valuable input into the set up and design of shots, aiding Riley in fulfilling his vision for the film.